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Grace Industries Case Study

A Case Study in Carisma's Managed IT Solutions Success

Carisma’s Construction IT solutions save Grace Industries from complete data loss.

IT Challenges of an Established Construction Company

Grace Industries, Inc., located in Bath, PA, designs and constructs streetscapes, athletic fields, and bridges, utilizing some of the most modern computer programs and site equipment.

When Carisma Managed IT Solutions first met with Grace Industries, the construction company was dealing with a failing server that could not support an upgrade of their primary business management software, Maxwell Systems. In addition to multiple hardware failures, the company’s server memory was low, and IT performance was inadequate for their growing construction business operations.

Grace Industries also was using an email system that was not sufficient to support the increasing volume and needs of the business. As a result of older technologies, it became difficult for their construction teams to collaborate as they were unable to share calendars and interactively schedule meetings.

Worst of all, the company had no backup procedures in place for their server and computer / IT systems.

Carisma Managed IT Services Delivers the Solutions

Grace Industries needed their new server to be fast and large enough to accommodate future growth over the next three to five years.

Carisma Managed IT Solutions first replaced the failing server and assisted Grace Industries in performing the system-wide upgrade to their operating software platform, Maxwell Systems. We then designed and implemented a hybrid premise-cloud backup system for their new server and all of the company’s data.

Once phase one was complete, Carisma Managed IT Solutions procured, installed and migrated users to Microsoft Exchange 365 email, which is cloud-hosted. Our IT experts updated all users to the latest version of MS Office applications. We also created a bulletproof, robust, on-site and cloud-based, offsite backup system for their critical business data.

The Challenges of Cybersecurity and Internet Attacks

In 2016, Grace Industries was attacked by a ransomware virus that wiped out their server and on-site backup. Within 24 hours, Carisma Managed IT Solutions re-built the server and used the cloud-based backup that we originally implemented to get the construction company’s IT back up and running.

Ongoing IT Service, Maintenance and Support

Grace Industries has since added two more servers that Carisma Managed IT Solutions maintains. We also continue to provide IT helpdesk support to all of their users.

Grace Industries trusted our IT experts and advice to implement the systems we suggested from the beginning of our relationship. They placed themselves in our hands completely and, as a result, they were spared the agony of losing their business.

Our expert IT solutions providers deliver excellent IT customer service and help our customers maintain cost-effective, state-of-the-art computers, networks, and systems with virtually uninterrupted uptime.

Contact us today to find out how we can support your business with its IT needs.

Problem Statement
The construction company was dealing with a failing server that could not support its user base.
No Backup System
Worst of all, the company had no backup procedures in place for their server
Added Value

Carisma Managed IT Solutions procured, installed and migrated users to Microsoft Exchange 365 email, which is cloud-hosted.

Disaster Strikes
Within 24 hours, Carisma Managed IT Solutions re-built the server and used the cloud-based backup that we originally implemented to get the construction company’s IT back up and running.